Woman's handsRheumatologists treat autoimmune and inflammatory diseases which occur when the immune system starts attacking itself. Your immune system protects you from viruses, bacteria and parasites and when it isn’t working correctly, your immune system can attack the organs in your body that it’s meant to protect.

You may think rheumatologists just treat conditions like arthritis, but there are over 100 different types of autoimmune diseases that we can treat, including lupus, systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), vasculitis and inflammatory muscle disease, that impact the lives of so many patients.

  • The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that up to 23.5 million Americans suffer from an autoimmune disease. And we think this number is actually rising.
  • Autoimmune disease is one of the top leading causes of death in female children and women in all age groups up to 64 years of age.
  • Autoimmune diseases are typically chronic and that they can cause pain, disability and even death, particularly if not detected at an early stage.

The rheumatologists at Community Care Rheumatology are well-known leaders in the field and will work with you and the other practitioners involved in your care to achieve the best outcomes for our patients.